"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all? "

Released in 1937, Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, was the first full-lenght animated feature in motion picture history. It figures is classic princess-story together with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The Beauty and The Beast ,among many.

Snow White, whose graphic elaboration was made on the phisical features of 16 years old Marjorie Belcher , is a pure young princess hated by the Queen of the realm for her beauty and therefore sent to death. The poor girl survives the condemn, and runs away until she reaches the small house of the Seven Dwarfs. Here she is hosted, but while the Dwarfs are not home the evil queen disguises herself as an old hag and makes Snow White fall into an eternal sleep by offering her a poisoned apple to eat. In the end the kiss of a Prince will awake the princess up, in a wonderful happy ending.

A romantic story for little girls, or a story of growth, sin, passage from innocence to experience. However one reads it , the picture is a masterpiece in terms of visual art and animation techniques enriched with a great soundtrack; let us just remember the unforgettable "Heigh-Ho".
